Monday, April 4, 2011

Mocking Bird's Reverie

No matter where
You write your truth
I will
Read it

Whether it be on cave walls
Or in pyramid depths
Or  on earth
With stick and stone
I will
Read it

Whether it be on napkin
Crunched beneath the table
I will crawl down and
Read it

I will read it
When you desperately
Want that it
Be heard

But should you not be ready
To unveil it like art work
Awaiting completion
I will wait

Or if it is like a birthday
Blown out into the dimming light
And you know the only way
That it may come true
Is to seal your lips tight

I will respect that too.

But should it come

On a mockingbird's wing
Who awakes me
In the middle of the night

Or if you drum it
On earth with your prayers
At dawn

I will sense it

If you bless the water
I will read it in the glimmering
Light of sun on water
And see what you have transcribed on the
Flow of life

I will listen because you are
And always will be my
Mother, brother sister, father, child of mine

I will never stop
For to stop would be like
Closing my eyes
Shutting my ears
Refusing to move

For you are all a part of me
Fire of the sun
Leaf falling
Back aching
Heart breaking

Root of
My life
Tree in winter, summer, spring

And I am you
And you are me
I am listening

And now that you have
Sung to me
Drummed to me
Prayed with me

I will forever be listening
To where and when and how
You speak to me

Under the covers
I will be there
Looking at the night  sky
I will be there
Singing to the morning birds
I will be there
And running on seedlings underfoot
I will be there

For I could be no where else

And I know you have read
The waves at the shore
The tea leaves in my hand
The tarot card I drew from a deck
Of fools and knaves
For you are me

Whenever we forget this
And do not hear our unique
Contribution to the chorus of life
From stick banging on earth
To candle quiet in wish making

May we remember
Bum bum, bum bum,
Bum bum.


April 4, 2011

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Poems from the Chi Field

May I open not to that which is broken?

May I instead open to that which is reforming?

Unveiling Your Organs

Do not go to sleep
In the middle of the night
Awaken to all that lies hidden 
In your belly and your lungs
Waiting to breathe

Do not go to sleep
Expanding in the night
Into all that stays quiet
Like a child hidden behind a tree
Waiting for their name to be
Called out in the park 
Under full moon and kicked cans

Do not go to sleep
When the body twists and turns
And undulates your spine open
And uncoils your wrists 
From where you are off hiding secrets
Of hesitation to raise up your hand
And scream out
I too have anger
And fear twisted 
Inside the grace of my hands

Holding back from my own divine connection
To all that I was born 
Already knowing
How to love
If you would also
Touch me

Knowing that which I do not yet know
Within the sinew of my bones and joints and limbs 
That when I stretch out to the world 
The world stretches back 
Waiting to welcome

a me

Walking Meditation

The union of
Fly on screen
Leaf falling
Bird alighting
Cloud floating
Hilltop rolling
Blackbird becoming two
I entering it all
Gently opening to being
Tree with fallen leaf
Sky with cloud of white to charcoal grey
Hill with gentle flowing edges

a me

Morning Reverie

It is morning in America
The rain falls lightly
But the wind blows with forbearance
That within the storm
We are all about to end our slumber
Or deepen into its depths
Rocked in the cradle of life
Knowing we are home in sun and rain and wind
Knowing we are one America
United not by what we consume
But by what we give 
And in return receive from one another's blessings

United not in what we produce
But in honoring earth for what it can sustain
A life worth living free of grasping
Free of fear

United not by our singular purpose  to export and profit 
But by the diversity of our voices rising up in song and rhyme and rap

Our voices becoming a chorus of delight. 
Delight delightful interconnection, inner harmony

 a me

Liquid Light 
(Titled by Marina Illich)

It's time
To receive the light
To be the light
Share the light

Like the light of the sun it was never meant to be held
Bought, sold or traded
It was meant to warm the heart
Inspire the seeds to grow
Our frozenness to melt
Our rivers to flow
And rain down on us

It's time to hear the ancient bone’s horn
To lay down our arms
Pick up the gift that we are
And be present to all that may wish to carry it farther on the path
To the all beings who thirst for forgiveness, love, an end to sorrow

You are not meant to put it in your pocket like a lightening bug to die
You are meant  to call out alle alle um come free 
And see who comes out from hiding to touch the tree, 
The elemental ancient wisdom within tree and soul
And  Zhineng qi gong

You may do this quietly like gentle rain falling on dry soil 
Or loudly by knocking on the door of donor and doctor and dear ones 
Who wish to hear the call to freedom

The time is now
The present moment
When you feel called
To share your presence
Your shining gift of light within
And light about

The world does not need protection
The type created out of grasping and holding on for dear life 
It needs suuport as do you and I and infant child 
And doe and dying lizard crushed on the path

Do not speak falsely
Nether loose your voice to a prescription writen by another
But please for you and I 
And the animals of the rain forest, sahara and mountain peak

Speak you healing
Sing our your love
Dance your unfolding wisdom
And come home
To share the complexity of all that we are 
And all that we are becoming in one shared embrace.

a me

Non Believer's Miracle

You say you never step foot in a temple or church
Yet isn’t that a shell you are holding listening for the sea?
Isn’t it a temple you place hand to ear to heart?

And is the smile of recognition of 
Hollow sound of coral shell shining white
Not a miracle?
And when you watch the waves turn and pound back in

Noticing your heart swelling and breath deepening
This which has resonance within you

What do you call it?


The Point

There is no arriving at your

The point changes based on where you look
And what you ask of it
It has no preference for it is
Always before you
But should you look to the side
                                                   It will be there

It is almost nothing
And it is everything
Or of it everything might be born

It is you and more than you
You of course are more than you
You are one with all points of the universe

Your point of view is not the point of view
But informs it

The point informs you too

It is ever changing yet still

There are no seven steps to the point
But back and forth and up and down and round
And round and round will do

You might start or end there
Or anywhere to arrive at the beginning again

If it were otherwise the point would have
Already arrived at its destination
And the game would be over

No more dice to toss onto the plane
No longer any to cherish
For what they might foretell

No more jokers or Queens
No more point to pull another card and see
The brush of wind
Or breath of sea
It would always be the card you wanted
Before you dreamed the one you never knew.

by a me

Mocking Bird's Reverie

No matter where
You write your truth
I will
Read it

Whether it be on cave walls
Or in pyramid depths
Or  on earth
With stick and stone
I will
Read it

Whether it be on napkin
Crunched beneath the table
I will crawl down and
Read it

I will read it
When you desperately
Want that it
Be heard

But should you not be ready
To unveil it like art work
Awaiting completion
I will wait

Or if it is like a birthday
Blown out into the dimming light
And you know the only way
That it may come true
Is to seal your lips tight

I will respect that too.

But should it come

On a mockingbird's wing
Who awakes me
In the middle of the night

Or if you drum it
On earth with your prayers
At dawn

I will sense it

If you bless the water
I will read it in the glimmering
Light of sun on water
And see what you have transcribed on the
Flow of life

I will listen because you are
And always will be my
Mother, brother sister, father, child of mine

I will never stop
For to stop would be like
Closing my eyes
Shutting my ears
Refusing to move

For you are all a part of me
Fire of the sun
Leaf falling
Back aching
Heart breaking

Root of
My life
Tree in winter, summer, spring

And I am you
And you are me
I am listening

And now that you have
Sung to me
Drummed to me
Prayed with me

I will forever be listening
To where and when and how
You speak to me

Under the covers
I will be there
Looking at the night  sky
I will be there
Singing to the morning birds
I will be there
And running on seedlings underfoot
I will be there

For I could be no where else

And I know you have read
The waves at the shore
The tea leaves in my hand
The tarot card I drew from a deck
Of fools and knaves
For you are me

Whenever we forget this
And do not hear our unique
Contribution to the chorus of life
From stick banging on earth
To candle quiet in wish making

May we remember
Bum bum, bum bum,
Bum bum.


April 4, 2011

Karl with a K

KARL (w/a K)

When I cried at the first shock of learning of your death
My body shook and shook in tiny reverberations
As if you were energetically leaving
I could not hold you
But I could feel you
Stay connected to you as you passed

Where have you gone my sweet complicated brother?  

I miss you as though you were torn from me
Like an unripe fruit forcefully plucked from a tree
I wanted to keep you close  
But I felt the pull of your absence
As a missing part within me

The day after your death is grey wrapped in fog
The sounds of garbage trucks and laundry
Seem screechingly loud. 
All should be silent to sense your missed voice.
The cadence of your big steps

As I walked my dog
The smiles of people passing by seemed empty
As though they did not know
That the world is not the same with out you

I caught a glimpse of a kite caught in the tree
And I thought the kite knew better
That everything should stop
And honor you, your passing.

You would have liked to see the kite in flight though.
You would have problem solved a way to free it to the wind           
And let to follow the current.

I didn’t know where to put you.
I will put you in the wind
That is constantly moving and evoking the trees to sway
And the children to walk faster home
And the butterflies to twitter in the sky
And a hot farm worker to be freed by its cool touch

I will put you in the wind that all may know your passion
A passion that observed the world in great detail
And recalled both historical fact and fictional metaphor
That wanted to know the suffering of another
More than care for his own

And who wanted to know the triumphs of another
More than his own
To ask the child the details of selling candy
And the woman the mystery of giving birth
And the sister her interpretation of a child’s play

I will put you in the wind
So that all my know I am always with you
And so that I can find you to offer me solace as only you can

The Day After You Died

The grass whistles your song tss, tsss, tss  
The old pine branches move slowly as if rocking you
The oak leaves dance rapidly like feathers in a storm
As if chanting their protest

Grey in every direction
The light cast steel, stilling glow on the bay
And dwells on the iridescent purple blossoms
And lemon scented daisies that shiver in the wind

You are at once gone and everywhere

The white Queen Anne’s lace
That grew in parking lots near our childhood home
Stand tall above the grasses succumbed to the strong wind
Then steadying first in the slowing breeze

Then I am pushed from behind in a circle of chilling wind
To see the criss-crossing paths
Winding up and down the hillside
I step forward to stay in your presence
And feel the shiver on my fingertips
And the dried tears like twigs in my eyes

Most everything is blooming
But a few cursed pine branches are barren
And stony like fossils
I am reminded that you are now part spirit and dry earth

Everything suddenly stills except for a bumblebee
Collecting pollen and a bird’s faint song
And a dandelion bursting its seeds to the wind
As I will imagine you have

I will come and find you here in the passing spores,
Blossoms and barren branches
And still I will miss you always
But cherish the chance to be faintly in your presence.


I used to see thistles and imagine them proof
Of our capacity to triumph over adversity
And now aware of your death they annoy me
For they grow in the very bumps
and crannies of the earth
where you met your death – a ditch in the road

How dare they tease me
With their arrogant triumph
When such triumph was out of reach
For  you?

And yet their thorny stem speaks of the
Give and take of survival
And the beauty of each life
No matter how small its blossom

The wild iris grow amidst the grasses too
Their blooms have burst in the hot spring sun
Above the sea

They will die soon as you have
Gone before the season’s turn
But they will have touched us with their beauty
As certainly as you have
As the blossoms in your park do

I will not curse the thistle its triumph
Nor the iris its short bloom
Nor be too concerned by the shadow cast by life
And death on the same path
For I myself cast a shadow
As does the bird above
And the grass blown by the wind

When the bird flies off in flight
Beyond my view
Its shadow leaves me just like you

I take comfort that in the days of your life
You too balanced the thorn in your side
And the potential blossoms to come

And come they will
In lemon yellow hugging the ground
And in raspberry with orange sherbet like hues
All with green stems buried in red earth

I will live sadden by missing you
But inspired by the complexity
And wonder of it all
Just like you

Poem Tails

In times of daffodils (who know the goal of living is to grow)
forgetting why, remember how

In time of all sweet things beyond
whatever mind may comprehend
remember seek (forgetting find)

                                                                                                        ee cummings


The children have taken your place
Running up and down the slide
Clambering for popsicles

Jumping over dirty jump-ropes
And hiding each other under sand with cigarette butts and candy wrappers
But like you they imagine only that they will never be found
And yet are ecstatic when they are uncovered and revealed as themselves

They demand notice in the grocery store line
Throwing themselves on the tiled floor
Until their mother hands them
Something to hold

It might be an apple or sticky muffin
This will assuage them as it did you
If the mother is wise enough to make the
Giving and receiving important.

Do they fear the world’s global warming?
Are those the monsters of their times?
Or are they already planning solutions
In their dreams of peacock feathers
And elves who whisper the way home?

They have given up pretty pink dresses 
But not the lovely sassy smile 
As if they always were and always will be little big girls.

a me

The Riddle of Our Inheritance

If Eve never ate the apple
how could we ever hope
without savoring the seed of life
to be God like?

If Eve tasted the forbidden apple
unable to enjoy its succulence
would she accept the current condition
which neither sustains the apple tree
nor the unborn child
accepting to sin, is only human?

If Eve tasted the luscious apple
she'd  know
that sustenance is no sin
refusing to bear and eat fruit
with gratitude
may be?

a me

Swimming at Sea

Knowing tomorrow you will be there,  just as you are
sunny or cloudy or gray
I can feel the texture of my own vulnerability
and imagine safe docking
despite the waves that crash.

Our connection is like a buoy
to a tired swimmer or a
lightening house to a lost ship.

We are safe because
together we make one
another float in the
raucous sea of life.

a me


We are like a circle of young shamans playing with fire  
until we discover that the elemental nature of the fire moves us to feel more alive,
the spaciousness of air to feel more possibility,
the flow of the water to extend our journey inward
beyond crossroads we once feared trespassing.

We are not alone now,
nor are we the sole holders of our fate but held within it.  

Dancing like praying mantises at the first sign of spring.  
we are lover and loved at once,

For we are all in this together,
you, me the octopus, the lily and the star.  

As is the little girl balancing on the stones just outside my window,
talking non-stop nonsense rhymes that almost make her lose balance.

And her father says “Watch out honey” 
and she says “Ice tea, out of town.” 

The care and the nonsense,
the fear and the potential exist side by side,
as do we.

a me


My chest feels like
Dough rising.

When will it
Rise up to
Nourish my voice?

When will it
be pounded down

